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Clean Energy Improvement Program

Residential property owners in the Town of Drayton Valley can finance up to 100% of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

The Clean Energy Improvement Program, or CEIP, is an innovative financing tool for property owners in Alberta. Access competitive interest rates and make repayment convenient through your property’s regular tax bill.

What is CEIP?

CEIP offers flexible financing to residential property owners to help with the upfront costs of energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. CEIP offers homeowners:

  • Financing for up to 100% of project costs.
  • Competitive interest rates (4.16%).
  • Long repayment terms (up to 20 years).
  • The option to repay in full at any time without penalty.
  • An incentive of $350/completed project
  • Repayment collected through your property tax bill.

CEIP financing is attached to the property, not the property owner. When you decide to sell your property, you have the option to either repay the balance (without penalty) or disclose and transfer the balance to the new owner who will take on the repayment and enjoy the benefits of the improvements.

The program is administered by Alberta Municipalities. Visit Drayton Valley’s CEIP page now to read the full terms and conditions, review the eligibility criteria, view eligible upgrades, and learn about the repayment terms for your specific project.


Completing a clean energy improvement through CEIP follows these 8 steps:


  • Read the CEIP Terms and Conditions and complete the Pre-Qualification Form to confirm you and your property meet the basic program eligibility criteria.

Steps to help you prepare your application:

  • All property owners listed on title for the home will be required to sign the program forms and agreements when you apply. 
  • Residential properties must be one of the following:
    • single or semi-detached house;
    • row house;
    • townhome; or
    •  the residential portion of a mixed-use building or a multi-unit residential building, provided that such buildings are both under three storeys and have a footprint of 600 meters squared (6,458 feet squared) or less.
  • You are not in tax arrears, now or in the last five years.
  • You do not have late tax payments on your home, now or in the past five years. 
  • Your home is not in foreclosure.
  • You are not in bankruptcy or receivership.
  • You are in good standing with respect to payment of all property-secured debt for the property (e.g., mortgage). 
  • Check in with your mortgage lender; some lenders require that they provide consent for participation in this type of program. Failure to obtain consent (if required) could result in a breach of a mortgage obligation.
  • Your property’s insurance policy must include coverage for the full value of the property and a minimum of $1.0 million in personal liability insurance.
  • If your property is within a building that includes shared facilities or common property (e.g., condominium) and your project will impact shared facilities/property, you need to include an approval letter from your condominium board or building owner with your application.
  • Review your most recent property assessment notice or property tax bill to identify your property description and roll number. 
  • Review the application form and prepare the information required for each field.

EnerGuide energy efficiency home evaluations

An energy-efficient home is comfortable, healthy, environmentally friendly and cost-effective. An EnerGuide home evaluation can help you understand how your home uses energy now – and identify retrofits to help improve energy efficiency.

An energy advisor will assess your home from basement to attic. This will give you an EnerGuide rating for your home and an energy efficiency report to help you make decisions about possible upgrades.  More information can be found here.

 Select a Qualified Contractor at, plan your project, and submit your Project Application to Alberta Municipalities

Once your proposed project is approved, you will enter into a Clean Energy Improvement Agreement and Project Agreement.

After program agreements are signed, work with your Qualified Contractor to have your improvements completed.

Submit your Upgrade Completion Forms as your improvements are completed.

After your project is fully completed, a post-project EnerGuide Home Evaluation will provide you a new EnerGuide rating and label based on your upgraded home performance.

You will repay the cost of the project through your property’s tax bill based on the terms of your Clean Energy Improvement Agreement.  

IMPORTANTProjects that begin prior to application approval will not be eligible for financing. An application will need to be submitted and approved and a Clean Energy Improvement Agreement entered into prior to any work being started on the project. 

Frequently asked questions

CEIP Eligibility & Application Process

No, an application will need to be submitted and approved, and a Clean Energy Improvement Agreement signed between the property owners and The Town of Drayton Valley prior to any work being started on the project. 

The program is targeted to residential properties completing retrofits, new builds are ineligible at this time. Properties eligible for the program include single and semi-detached houses, row houses, townhomes, and some units in multi-unit residential buildings. The eligibility criteria are listed in the CEIP Terms and Conditions found at

Alberta Municipalities is the designated program administrator for Clean Energy Improvement Programs across Alberta. The first point of contact for your application is Alberta Municipalities. More information on the program administrator can be found at

Applicants to CEIP must be listed as owners on the property’s Certificate of Title in order to be eligible. All property owners listed on the Certificate of Title must sign the Clean Energy Improvement Agreement. 

Your property description and roll number will be listed on your property assessment notice or property tax bill.  You can also access your information by visiting our website: Customer Self Service Portal

An EnerGuide Home Evaluation can help you understand how your home uses energy now – and identify retrofits to help improve energy efficiency. This will give you an EnerGuide rating for your home and an energy efficiency report to help you make decisions about possible upgrades. Learn more about EnerGuide Home Evaluations by visiting Natural Resources Canada.  

Version 15 EnerGuide Home Evaluations completed after April 1 2020, can be used for your CEIP application.  Please review the CEIP Terms and Conditions found at for more information. 

No, all work must be completed by a CEIP Qualified Contractor. You can find the list of eligible CEIP Qualified Contractors at and filter for Drayton Valley and the services you require for your project.

A number of energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades are eligible for the program. A list of upgrades and the applicable eligibility criteria can be found at

Residential property owners can participate in the Clean Energy Improvement Program and other programs like the federal government’s Canada Greener Homes Initiative. Property owners are encouraged to review the terms and conditions for all programs to ensure their project meets all eligibility criteria. 


The current interest rate for eligible CEIP projects is 4.16%. This rate will be reassessed annually.

The interest rate is fixed, which means that the interest rate in effect when you enter into your Clean Energy Improvement Agreement will apply for your property for the duration of the payment term. Please see the Program Terms and Conditions at for more information.

The annual Clean Energy Improvement Tax payment is based on your project costs and length of repayment terms. Use the following table to estimate your annual repayment.

CEIP participants will be required to register to pay their property taxes through TIPP. The Tax Instalment Payment Plan is an efficient and convenient way to make monthly pre-payments towards your property tax account.  The payment is automatically withdrawn from your bank account the first business day of the month.

TIPP Program
TIPP Application Form

Only the property owners participating in the program would see an increase on their property tax bill. If you don’t participate in the program, it will not impact your property taxes. 

You can request to make a lump sum payment by contacting our Finance Department at 780-514-2200 at any time during the repayment term of the Clean Energy Improvement Tax to make a full lump sum payment and avoid further interest charges. Please note that only payments of the full principal will be accepted – partial payments are not accepted.

You will be able to see your annual Clean Energy Improvement Tax payment in a number of ways:

  • The annual payment for your Clean Energy Improvement Tax will be outlined in your Clean Energy Improvement Agreement.
  • You will receive a payout notice in the spring of the first year the Clean Energy Improvement Tax is added to your property tax bill.
  • You will see the Clean Energy Improvement Tax as a separate line item on your property tax bill that is mailed to you each May.
  • Once the Clean Energy Improvement Tax is placed on the property’s tax bill it will show up on a Tax Certificate for the property. A Tax Certificate is a summary of all tax-related charges applied to a specific property.


CEIP is not exclusively a rebate or incentive program. Homeowners participating in CEIP will receive financing for their approved clean energy improvements and will be required to pay the cost back plus interest through their property tax bill.

For a limited time, The Town of Drayton Valley is offering an incentive for completed CEIP projects. The incentive will be applied directly to the Clean Energy Improvement Tax reducing the project financing $350/completed CEIP project. Availability is limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Town has up to $1.3 million in financing available for Drayton Valley homeowners through CEIP.

PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy. It’s a financial instrument that allows property owners to finance energy efficiency or renewable energy upgrades through their municipal property taxes. CEIP stands for the Clean Energy Improvement Program and is Alberta’s version of PACE. 

Although a similar financing mechanism to PACE, CEIP has its own unique guidelines and requirements that are specific to the Alberta context and designed to support the local economy while also protecting property owners.

Only CEIP Qualified Contractors are eligible to work on Clean Energy Improvement Program projects. Visit now to learn more and apply to become a CEIP Qualified Contractor. 

In order to participate in the program, municipalities need to first pass a CEIP bylaw. That bylaw authorizes a municipality to borrow money for the purpose of financing clean energy improvements, and use the property tax system to facilitate repayment from property owners.

On September 15, 2021, the Clean Energy Improvement Bylaw was passed by Town Council. The Bylaw enables The Town to offer CEIP in Drayton Valley and provides guidelines for how the program should operate in Drayton Valley.

No, CEIP is not available for upgrades to commercial properties.

CEIP is one of many tools that we need to support greenhouse gas reductions.

Programs like CEIP also support our local economy. The home improvement projects that qualify for CEIP will create work for local energy efficiency and renewable energy contractors.

Alberta Municipalities administer the program and grant funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities offsets the program administration costs for the first four years. Afterwards, the program will be reviewed and administration costs will be evaluated.

The maximum term of the clean energy improvement charge is equal to the effective useful life (EUL) of the upgrades completed in the project.


Local contractors are integral to the success of the Clean Energy Improvement Program. If you’re interested in learning more visit to sign-up for email updates. The program administrator, Alberta Municipalities will share updates and municipal events with you as they become available.