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Dust Suppression

In the spring and summer months, dust from gravels roads and alleyways can become a nuisance. The Town of Drayton Valley offers dust suppression services to residential and business property owners within town limits.

Dust suppression agents may be applied on a cost-share basis upon request from landowners and the Town will implement the use of a water-based product which meets environmental standards. The cost of these agents will be subsidized by the Town by 50% of the application costs, up to 150 metres, and the remaining 50% will be paid by the applicant. The applicant will have the ability to determine the location where the dust suppressant will be placed, however the Town reserves the the right to adjust the location based on product application requirements and potential conflict with existing site conditions.

Dust suppression season is between May 1 and September 30 of each year.

To view the complete Dust Suppression Policy, click here.

To apply for dust suppressant application, please fill out our application form below and return it to the Town office.