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Aspen Waste Management Facility
The Aspen Waste Management Facility, located on HWY 22 and 58 Ave in Drayton Valley, accepts non-hazardous waste materials from residents in the Drayton Valley area.
Aspen Client Services at 780-682-0346
Hours of Operation
Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sundays: Closed
Closed Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day
Accepted Waste
Waste accepted by the Aspen Waste Management Facility includes waste disposed of at the landfill, diverted to the Material Recovery Facility or alternative disposal, and stockpiled. Waste disposed of at the landfill include the following:
- Residential Sanitary Refuse
- Construction and Demolition Debris
- Asbestos
- Animal Carcasses (excluding specific risk materials
Waste directed to waste segregation, the Material Recovery Facility or alternative disposal include the following:
- Vehicle Tires
- White Goods
- General Metals
- Vehicle Batteries
- Agricultural Chemical Containers including herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide containers
- Vehicle Bodies
- Petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil (that meet applicable criteria)
- Empty Propane Tanks (40 lb maximum)
- Used lube oil and filters
- Household recycling including paper, glass, and plastics
- Cardboard
- Propane Tanks
- Household Hazardous Waste including solvents, drain cleaners, pesticides and herbicides
- Paint and Aerosols
Clean fill and topsoil will be directed to stockpile areas designated by the landfill operator.
Residential Yard Waste Drop-Off
Yard waste can be dropped off at the Aspen Waste Management Facility(AWMF) during regular business hours. This is a free service for residential yard waste that includes: grass clippings, leaves, and small branches. Yard waste must be removed from plastic bags prior to placing in the bin. This service is available yearly from early spring until late fall.
Prohibited Waste
Wastes that are not accepted at the Aspen Waste Management Facility include the following:
- Hazardous Waste
- Waste containing Free Liquids
- Biomedical Waste
- Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sludges
Hazardous wastes are defined under the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement (EPEA) Activities Designation Regulation and Waste Control Regulation. In addition, the Alberta User Guide for Waste Managers includes a comprehensive list of hazardous wastes and a detailed description for determining whether a waste is hazardous.
The following materials are prohibited on site in accordance to the Waste Control Regulation (192/1996), Alberta User Guide for Waste Managers, and the Approval.
All substances defined in Schedule 1 of the Waste Control Regulation (192/1996):
- Compressed Gas
- Flammable and Combustible Materials
- Oxidizing Materials
- Toxic and Biohazardous Infectious Materials
- Corrosive Metals
- Dangerously Reactive Materials
- Radioactive Materials
- Explosives
- Untreated Biomedical Waste
- Improperly Packaged Special Waste (ex. un-bagged asbestos)
- Polychlorinated biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated materials
- Outdated Drugs and Cytotoxic Waste
- Bulk Liquid Waste
- Container(s) containing Liquid Waste greater than 5L
- Dangerous Oilfield Waste
- Domestic Wastewater
- Specific Risk Material
Waste Receiving
All vehicles bringing waste materials to the site will be weighed at the scales upon entering the site. Weight (before and after disposal), license plate, time of arrival, time of departure, and waste type for all vehicles will be recorded at the scale house. Waste types include categories such as residential, construction and demolition debris, white goods, tires, recyclable metals, clean fill and topsoil, waste oil, and agricultural waste. The vehicle will then be directed to the appropriate facilities. Prior to departing the site, the empty weight (tare) of the vehicle will be recorded and the customer will be charged based on net weight and waste material type deposited.
The scale operator is responsible for initial screening of incoming waste and inspection of vehicles to assure that loads are secure. The scale is the first on-site opportunity to screen for prohibited wastes. The scale operator will question the driver to ensure the waste being delivered has been approved and, if necessary, inspect incoming loads, provide directions as to where on site the waste is to be taken for unloading, and any other instructions to assure safe and efficient operating procedures are followed at all times. Under normal circumstances, the scale operator does not leave the scale house. The quantity, material type, and source of the waste disposed at the AWMF is recorded for annual reporting.
Unfamiliar or suspicious vehicles will be carefully inspected for prohibited materials and queried as to the type and source of the waste. Only waste that is acceptable within the terms of the Approval will be accepted, and then only at the discretion of the scale house.
In the event that waste is rejected at the scale house, the driver’s name, licence plate, contact information, time of arrival, time of departure, waste type, result of waste inspection (if performed), and reason for rejecting the waste will be recorded and provided to the AWMF manager or designated representative (via the scale operator) before the vehicle leaves.
Clients disposing of waste requiring special handling are required to provide the pre-approval form and advanced notice. In the event that advance notice is not provided, the waste may be refused.
The scales will be inspected and/or calibrated as per manufacturers recommendations in compliance with the Canadian Weights and Measures Act. Records of scale inspection and calibration will be maintained in scale house. Alterations and adjustments are made according with Measurement Canada. Records of inspection and scale calibration shall be maintained on site.
The Aspen Waste Management Facility also houses the Materials Recovery Facility and the Take It or Leave it Centre
Household Hazardous Waste Facility
The household hazardous waste (HHW) facility is operated to collect, bulk, and ship HHW materials. The HHW facility is located just south of the scale and scale house building and is 480 m2 in size. HHW materials collected at the HHW building include solvents, cleaning products, fluorescent tubes and batteries. Electronic waste is also collected and stored in this building until there is enough to be picked up by an e-waste contractor.
Administration Office and Scale House
The administrative office is located at the site entrance. Files and records are maintained in the administrative office for archiving, referencing, and annual reporting. The administrative office also includes the scale house, staff amenities, office space, lockers, washrooms, utilities room, and a room that is currently being used for a public ‘Take It or Leave It’ facility. The scale house incorporates both inbound and outbound scales. Scale house attendants screen and monitor all traffic entering the site, direct vehicles to appropriate facilities, assess fees, inspect waste loads, and assess suspect and/or random loads for further inspection/screening.
Materials Recovery Facility
The MRF is used to divert recyclable materials from the landfill. It is located just south of the scale and scale house building. Materials are collected at the MRF, sorted, and bulked. The MRF is a Quonset structure, approximately 440 m2 in size, and is used for the collection and storage of blue recycling bags, cardboard materials, and propane tanks prior to shipping to the appropriate recyclers.
Adjacent to the MRF are open compounds for the collection and storage of tires, white goods, and refrigeration units containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Landfill customers are able to drop off white goods such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, and water tanks here. White goods are segregated, those containing CFCs (such as fridges and freezers) have them removed by a certified technician (if applicable), and stored for future recycling. CFC containing units must be drained by authorized firms or individuals prior to removal from the site.
Used Oil, Filter, and Container Facility
The used oil, filter, and container facility is located adjacent to the MRF building. The facility holds an oil containment tank for the purpose of collecting and storing used oil and space for filters and containers.
Take it or Leave it Centre
Located at the Aspen Waste Management Facility, The Take it or Leave it Centre is available for residents in our region to drop off or pick-up items in good condition for free! Some of the items available at the Take it or Leave it Centre are pictured below.
County Waste Transfer Stations
For information on Waste Transfer Stations located within Brazeau County click here or call the Brazeau County Office at 780-542-7777.