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Municipal Development Plan
Municipal Development Plan
An important part of the creation of an image is the development of planning documents that support, critique and guide planning decisions. The foremost document is the Municipal Development Plan (MDP),
the long-range planning document of Drayton Valley.
The point of the Drayton Valley Municipal Development Plan is to aid in creating a community that will impact the future forever—a piece of architecture, a character or an image, of which, everyone can be proud.
The MDP is a guide for the direction, growth and management of land use within the town. The Drayton Valley MDP is more than an administrative handbook—it reflects on our strengths and inspires us toward new visions. It should prompt thoughtful development and careful consideration of development patterns and it should act as a support mechanism for the community’s will and well-being.
The Municipal Development Plan can be viewed here
The area surrounding Drayton Valley is subject to an Intermunicipal Development Plan, which has been adopted by both the Town and Brazeau County.
The Intermunicipal Development Plan can be viewed here