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Cannabis Legislation
The Town of Drayton Valley is accepting applications for Businesses Licenses and Development Permits for Cannabis Retails Stores.
Applying for a Cannabis License
Cannabis Business License Application Form
Development Permit Application
To ensure that you are submitting a complete Cannabis Retail Store Application, please review our checklist: Application Checklist
The Town’s Land Use Bylaw, Business License Bylaw and Signage Bylaw have been amended to establish regulations for the locations and conditions associated with cannabis retail sales and cannabis counselling businesses. Bylaw 2018-12-P addresses smoking cannabis in public spaces.
2018-09-D Land Use Amending (Cannabis) Bylaw
2018-10-D Business Licence Amending (Cannabis Retail) Bylaw
2018-11-D Signage Amending Cannabis Bylaw
2018-12-P Cannabis-Free Public Places Bylaw
2018-16-D Land Use Amending (Cannabis Production & Distribution) Bylaw
While Health Canada oversees the licensing of cannabis producers in Canada, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) is responsible for the wholesale and distribution of retail cannabis products.
For further information, please visit the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission and the Health Canada sites:
Health Canada
The following are some resources for further information regarding cannabis legalization:
Get answers from the Government of Canada
Impairment and enforcement for drivers and workers
Consumption – where is it allowed based on provincial regulations?
Potential health effects and how cannabis is used
Social issues and how they are being considered
Education about cannabis
If you have any questions about the Town’s approach to cannabis legalization please contact the Town of Drayton Valley by phoning 780-514-2200.