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Online Payments

Please be advised that there have been changes to online banking which will affect payments being made to the Town of Drayton Valley for both Town utility invoices and tax notices.

When setting up online payments for the Town of Drayton Valley, please use your account number exactly as seen on your invoice, not including the decimal point. Please note you will need to edit your account number even if you are already set up with online banking. For more information, visit our website at or call 780-514-2200.

The Town of Drayton Valley is excited to introduce a new online payment option for Town services and invoices!

Credit card payments can now be completed online using OptionPay. We accept credit card payment for the following:

  • Utility bills
  • Property Tax
  • Permits
  • Town of Drayton Valley tickets and fines
  • Licenses
  • Customer Invoices

    * please note this system is not for provincial tickets

OptionPay accepts VISA and Mastercard.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept American Express.

Ready to pay your bill? Click below.

In order to complete your payment, some information from your invoice or notice is required. Please see below for a list of information required for each payment:

  • Utility Bills – account number
  • Property Tax – roll number 
  • Permits – permit number
  • Town of Drayton Valley Tickets and Fines – ticket number 
  • Licenses – license number
  • Customer Invoices – invoice number

Please use your account number exactly as it appears on your invoice, not including the decimal!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is OptionPay?
OptionPay is a Canadian owned merchant offering credit card solutions, and is the Town of Drayton Valley’s provider of online credit card payments. You can visit their website here.

Are there added fees?
Yes. OptionPay operates on a user based fee approach.  Please check OptionPay’s fee schedule to view fees that will be applied to your transaction should you choose to use this method of payment.

Why is there an added fee?
The fees have been put in place by OptionPay for the use of their service, and are not administered by the Town of Drayton Valley.

Is my credit card information secure?
Yes, OptionPay utilizes the latest tools in security measures and fraud prevention. To view their full security details, click here.

Ready to make a payment? Click the link above to get started. You can also visit the Civic Centre to pay by credit card (upon it’s re-opening), or call 780-514-2200 to pay over the phone!

If you have questions regarding this payment option, please contact us at 780-514-2200.