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Business Licenses

Doing Business In Drayton Valley


A Business License is a good investment.  Having a license shows your customers that you are a progressive business that respects local laws and regulations.  The licences process allows the town to make sure that local product and service providers meet regulatory standards and requirements.  The Town maintains a Business Directory of approved businesses that can be accessed by those looking for goods and services.

It is also the lawBylaw 2008/18/D requires entities doing business in the Town to have a valid Business License unless exempted (see list of exempted products or services here).

Apply for a business license here.


If the business is operating from a location in the Town and is a new, different, or discretionary use, a Development Permit may be required in addition to a business licence.  The Town must ensure that any proposed business is compatible in the area and permitted in the zoning district.  Contact the Planning Department for more information.

Apply for a development permit here.


The Town allows for certain types of businesses to be operated from the home.  A home office does not require a development permit.  Any other home-based business requires a Development Permit.  Please contact the Planning Department for more information on Home Based Business.


Fees vary depending on the type of product or service provided.  The fees are reviewed and set by Council each year.  The current municipal fee schedule can be found here.


If you have questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 780-514-2200 or

Cancel an existing business license here.