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Planning and Development

Planning and Development is responsible for all aspects of land-use planning, including long-range planning and subdivisions to ensure that growth and development occur in an organized and rational manner, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of life. A list of Public Hearings and notices of previous decisions is available here.

The Planning and Development Department processes and provides information on the following:

For more information or questions on Planning and Development in Drayton Valley, contact

Development is guided by planning legislation that consists of:

Building inspectors from The Inspections Group work on contract with the Town to issue building permits. Inspectors are responsible for the inspection of commercial and residential type developments within the Town of Drayton Valley.  Contractors are out twice a week (Tuesday and Friday).

Planning and Development Statistics

2015 Statistics
2014 Statistics

2013 Statistics

2012 Planning & Development Statistics
2011 Planning & Development Statistics
2010 Planning & Development Statistics
2009 Planning & Development Statistics
2008 Planning & Development Statistics

Public Hearings

Town Council holds Public Hearings to receive comments on related land use and rezoning applications. All hearings are open to the general public and your attendance is encouraged as they are an opportunity to let Town Council know your views on various applications for development.

You are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to the Planning & Development Officer prior to a hearing. Written submissions which have been received before the designated meeting time will be discussed at the meeting before further presentation will be recognized.

Copies of the applications subject of any Public Hearing may be inspected by contacting the Planning & Development Officer. Should you have any questions with regard to these proposed Bylaws please contact the Planning and Development Officer at 780-514-2219, by email at or the Civic Centre during regular business hours 8:30am to 4:30pm.