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Weed Inspection Information

All landowners have the responsibility to control Prohibited noxious and noxious weeds on their property.

Prohibited noxious and noxious weeds are to be controlled as required under the Province of Alberta’s Weed Control Act.

Many prohibited noxious and noxious weeds can be found in Drayton Valley.  Plants are considered “noxious” when they aggressively spread, are difficult to  manage, and are invasive in nature.

These plants:

  • Infest yards and fields
  • Alter natural habitats
  • Compete with our native plants
  • Affect animal, insect and bird species
  • Are costly to control

Prohibited noxious and noxious weeds do not respect property lines or fence lines.  It is up to all property owners to help prevent their spread.

The Town does not regulate nuisance weeds, like dandelions, on private property.


This Weed Inspection Notice gives you, the property owner/resident, an opportunity to eradicate the prohibited noxious or noxious weeds identified on the property before or by the  re-inspection date indicated.

Re-inspection of the property will occur on the date indicated to determine if the weeds identified have been eradicated or controlled. If weeds have been eradicated or controlled there is nothing further that will occur.

If the weeds identified have not been eradicated or controlled an Inspector’s Notice under the Alberta Weed Control Act will be issued with a final date for compliance.

If you do not eradicate or control the identified weeds by the final date indicated on the Inspector’s Notice,  the Alberta Weed Control Act gives the Town the authority to enter your property with no notice to complete the work required. 

All costs incurred by the Town for the control and/or eradication of the identified weeds will be added to your property tax bill.