My waste cart has been stolen
If you believe that your tote has been stolen, please call the RCMP to report the theft.
The police report can be presented to Public Works who will work with the contractor to have a new tote delivered.
If you believe that your tote has been stolen, please call the RCMP to report the theft.
The police report can be presented to Public Works who will work with the contractor to have a new tote delivered.
Park It
Your cart should be on the street with the wheels against the curb.
For residents with back alley pick up, ensure there is 1 meter of clearance around your cart. This will give the truck enough room to pick up the cart safely.
Point It
Place your your cart so the arrow on the lid points toward the street/alley
Space It
Place your cart so that there is at least 1 metre (3 ft) of space between your
carts and other objects (e.g. parked cars, power poles, utility boxes)
Leave 3 meters (10 ft) of space above the carts. If carts are placed underneath
a tree, or power line they cannot be collected safely
Please do not take your cart with you. They remain the property of the Town of Drayton Valley and are assigned to residences rather than people. If you need a cart at your new
residence, please call the Town Office at 780-514-2200
You can write your address on the side of the totes with a permanent marker. This will
help identify your cart if they ever go missing or need repairs.
We recommend noting your totes serial number incase it goes missing. If your cart is stolen, having this number will help the RCMP return your waste tote to you.
DO NOT put your name on the totes as they are assigned to specific addresses rather than people.
We encourage you to contact the provider directly with any questions or concerns.
Can Pak Environmental Inc.
780- 515-8999 |
You can also contact the Town Office at:
780- 514-2200 |
As per the Town of Drayton Valley’s Waste Management Bylaw
Tote cart collection service will not be provided if:
Preparation of Waste Matter for Collection
Collection, Location, Storage and Scheduling