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Safe and Healthy Allocation FAQ


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Eligible organizations or services must:

  • be based in Drayton Valley and supported by the Drayton Valley community at large;
  • not duplicate already existing services in the community, or show that duplication is necessary in order to meet community needs;
  • provide opportunities for community access and involvement within their organization, without regard to race, sexual orientation, religion, creed, gender, or disability;
  • carry adequate insurance to protect any sponsoring agency; and
  • show continuing effort in remaining financially independent and viable.
  • provide a budget or business plan for the service requiring support, showing anticipated revenue sources and expenditures.

The amount in the Automated Traffic Enforcement Reserve for as of December 31st, 2016 is $278,328. During 2017 amounts have been allocated to Safe and Healthy Community Initiatives. The amount that has been accumulated in 2016 will be reflective of the remittance of funds from the Alberta Government.  We do not have a limit to the amount of funds that an individual or group can apply for however proposals will be evaluated on a case by case basis to provide equal opportunity to all applicants who meet the criteria.

There is no strictly defined deadline for proposals. Evaluation of proposals will be conducted throughout the year with funds distributed an ongoing basis.

  • Step 1 Prepare a Proposal
  • Step 2 Submit a Proposal
  • Step 3 Administrative Review
  • Step 4 Council Consideration
  • Step 5 Awarding of Funds to Successful Proposals
  • Step 6 Reporting on Initiative Outcomes

The dollars are held in the Healthy and Safe Communities Fund. The fund is divided into sections that are listed in the Automated Fund Allocation Policy  in section 9:

“All net Municipal revenue from automated  traffic  enforcement  shall be designated from time to time by Council, but initially  as follows:

 a. Up to fifty percent (50%)- Safe and Healthy Community Allocation;

 b. No less than forty percent (40%)- Life-cycle Capital Replacement Plan;

and c. Up to ten (10%)- participatory budget (PB)”

Proposals can be submitted to:
Town of Drayton Valley at 5120-52nd Street Box 6837 Drayton Valley Alberta T7A 1A1
Attention: Dwight Dibben CAO or
Fax: 780 542 5753.

Funding can be requested more than once a year by an individual or organization providing that each proposal represents a separate initiative or event and adhere to the guidelines set out by the Automated Traffic Enforcement Fund Policy. Priority may be given to first time applicants who have not applied for funding under this program.

No, equal consideration will be given to any group regardless of their status provided they meet the criteria as set out in the policy.

Tyler Russell
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Town of Drayton Valley
Phone: 780 514 2219