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Fire Services

Fire Dept

Formed around 1955, the fire department had a volunteer Fire Chief and approximately ten firefighters protecting the area. The department used an old truck with a triplex pump that was later used for street flushing. 

Today, Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services currently has 4 volunteer/paid on-call firefighters assigned to Station 1 in Lodgepole, 21 volunteer/paid on-call firefighters assigned to Station 2 in Breton and, 40 volunteer/paid on-call firefighters at Station 3 in Drayton Valley.

Station 3 in Drayton Valley also serves as headquarters for the region’s fire services.  With a total staffing level of 65 men and women, the composite fire service staff in the region includes a full-time Fire Chief, a Deputy Fire Chief in charge of Operations, a Deputy Fire Chief in charge of Training, Inspection and Investigation, a Captain in charge of Maintenance Coordination and an Administrative Assistant.

Averaging 300 calls per year, Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services sees a wide variety of calls throughout the region.  From structure fires to motor vehicle collisions to wildland and wildland-urban interface, the men and women serving to help protect our community are committed to the preservation of life, property and the environment.


Wildfire season officially starts March 1 and runs until October 31 each year.

As the wildfire situation in Alberta continues to evolve, residents are encouraged to assess their properties and implement FireSmart techniques to help protect their homes in the event of a wildfire.

A Fire Advisory is in effect for Brazeau County and the Town of Drayton Valley as of Thursday, August 29, 2024.

Outdoor burning is permitted only with a fire permit or in an approved fire pit or burning appliance.  The FIRE ADVISORY will remain in effect until conditions improve.

The following fires are permitted:

  • Outdoor burning with an approved fire permit
  • Internal household fire places
  • Incinerators (for farm and acreage use)
  • Burn barrel (steel/metal drum no larger than 45 gallons- for Agriculture lands)
  • Solid Fuel barbecues (charcoal briquettes)
  • Bylaw-compliant backyard and camping fires
  • Fires contained within approved facilities and appliances in designed camping and recreational areas
  • Portable propane fire pits and appliances

Please visit for up-to-date fire status or contact the Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services at 780-514-2216 during regular business hours.


For up-to-date fire status’, visit or contact the Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services @ 780-514-2216.

Outdoor burning is permitted only with a fire permit or in an approved fire pit or burning appliance. 

The following fires are permitted:

  • Outdoor burning is permitted with an approved fire permit.
  • Internal household fire places
  • Incinerators (for farm and acreage use)
  • Burn barrel (steel/metal drum no larger than 45 gallons- for Agriculture lands)
  • Solid Fuel barbecues (charcoal briquettes)
  • Bylaw compliant backyard and camping fires
  • Fires contained within approved facilities and appliances in designed camping and recreational areas
  • Portable propane fire pits and appliances

This level is meant to inform the public that the fire hazard rating has increased and there may be certain restrictions on burning. It may also be used as a warning that a more restrictive alert may be coming if the situation does not improve, or for short-term concerns like major wind events.

Outdoor burning is permitted only with a fire permit or in an approved fire pit or burning appliance. 

The following fires are permitted:

  • Outdoor burning is permitted with an approved fire permit.
  • Internal household fire places
  • Incinerators (for farm and acreage use)
  • Burn barrel (steel/metal drum no larger than 45 gallons- for Agriculture lands)
  • Solid Fuel barbecues (charcoal briquettes)
  • Bylaw compliant backyard and camping fires
  • Fires contained within approved facilities and appliances in designed camping and recreational areas
  • Portable propane fire pits and appliances

This level acts as a higher level of warning before a fire ban. Certain types of burning will be restricted, while certain types will be allowed.

A Fire Restriction or Partial Fire Ban occurs when the fire hazard in the area is high to very high. Wildfires can start easily from most causes especially unattended campfires, cooking fires. Wildfires may become serious and difficult to control if not successfully contained while small. OUTDOOR BURNING IS ONLY PERMITTED IN APPROVED FIRE PITS OR APPROVED BURNING APPLIANCES. 

  • Existing fire permits are still valid (no permit extensions will be issued)
  • No new fire permits will be issued until Partial Fire Ban is Lifted


  • Safe wood campfires in approved fire pits
  • Portable propane fire pits
  • Gas or propane stoves and barbecues
  • Charcoal and pellet barbeques
  • Catalytic or infrared-style heater
  • Approved and certified incinerators (for agricultural use)

A total fire ban is usually put in place when a municipality has taken steps to restrict or prohibit most or all types of fire use within that area.

A total fire ban occurs when the fire hazard in the area is very high. Wildfires can start easily from most causes especially unattended campfires, cooking fires. Wildfires may become serious and difficult to control if not successfully contained while small. NO OUTDOOR BURNING IS PERMITTED. 

  • Existing fire permits will be cancelled
  • No new fire permits will be issued until Total Fire Ban is Lifted
  • No wood campfires in approved fire pits
  • No Charcoal or pellet barbeques or smokers


  • Portable propane fire pits
  • Gas or propane stoves and barbecues
  • Catalytic or infrared-style heater


Learn FireSmart techniques to protect your property


Learn how to build an evacuation plan for you and your family


Learn what to pack in an emergency kit


Educational videos prepared by members of the local fire department


We want to thank everyone who came out to learn more about FireSmart techniques and how to better protect their homes and property from wildfire.

If you missed the workshops, you can view the presentation here:

FireSmart Workshop PRESENTATION


Caution should always be taken with any type of burning.  Outdoor burning within Town Boundaries is permitted only in an approved fire pit or burning appliance.

Brazeau County requires year round fire permitting within its boundaries that are not regulated under the Alberta Forest Protection Area.  For more information, click here.

You can apply for a burning permit by visiting the Brazeau County website

You can also contact Fire Services directly to apply in person or contact the office by phone (780)-514-2216, during regular business hours.


5120-52nd Street,
Drayton Valley, AB, Canada, Alberta
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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2023 Buck Creek Wildfire

We understand that many people have questions and concerns about repairs to their property and fences that were damaged as a result of fire operations.

We have developed a plan to repair or replace agricultural infrastructure that was lost or damaged due to firefighting operations.  This includes barbed wire fences, corrals, outbuildings or panels etc. 

If your property was damaged as a direct result of the fire, please call your insurance company.

If damage was caused by heavy equipment or firefighters while they were carrying out the functions of mitigating the fire such as dozer guards, please click the link below to fill out the Agriculture Infrastructure Damage Report.

A municipal representative will reach out with next steps that will include an assessment of the property to determine what form of compensation will be provided.

For more information please call the Director of Emergency Management at 780-514-2388