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Curb It! FAQ

The Curb It! Program will run on May 31-June 2, 2019

If you think that your gently used items could be repurposed by someone else, consider using the Curb It! Program May 31-June 2, 2019.  Your trash could be someone else’s treasure while diverting  usable materials from the Aspen Waste Management Facility (AWMF).

Click the + to expand the answers to the frequently asked questions.

Print a label for each item, attach the label to your items, and place those items a meter from your waste collection tote. If you are concerned about someone taking something that is not labeled and is not meant to be a Curb It! item, put it somewhere safe.

If you are looking for items, keep in mind that, unless the item is marked by the Curb It! Label, it is likely not available to take. This includes items in the alley, driveways, and on lawns.  If in doubt, you are encouraged to check with the resident to ask if an item is available for pickup.

This Program is for residential households only, however items which can be reused or repurposed can be taken to the Take It or Leave It Centre at the AWMF.  You are welcome to collect items that are marked with the Curb It! label, whether your a resident or not.

Any items that have not been picked up as part of the Curb It! Program can be picked up as part of the Spring Clean Up Program as long as they meet the pick-up requirements.

For more information on click here: Spring Clean Up

Town of Drayton Valley Civic Centre
Phone: 780-514-2200

The Curb It! Program is an easy way for Drayton Valley residential households to find a second life for unwanted reusable goods. Reuse is an important principle of waste reduction and will help to slow down the amount of garbage entering the Aspen Waste Management Facility (landfill)