In order to add items, you'll need to create an account on the site. To do this, click on Log In.
COVID-19 Financial Resources
Payment Options
- Arrangements can be made to switch over to our E-BILLING SYSTEMS;
- Payments can be arranged through your own ONLINE BANKING OPTIONS;
- We can accept a cheque: you can either drop it in our DEPOSIT BOX located at the front of the Civic Centre or you can pop one in the mail to: Town of Drayton Valley, Box 6837, Drayton Valley, AB, T7A 1A1
For more information, contact the Town at 780-514-2200 or
Drayton Valley and Area Food Bank
Call 780-514-3777
Please call before 6 pm to leave a callback number. A volunteer will arrange for a hamper pickup time with you.
Delivery Services:
Drayton Valley Ford – Lend a Hand
Grocery shopping, prescriptions and other essentials delivered free of charge.
Call 780-542-4438
FCSS COVID-19 Community Outreach Program
Seniors can order their groceries over the phone with Drayton Valley IGA and Jocelyn’s Your Independent Grocer and volunteers will deliver them.
In order to ensure that your order goes smoothly, we ask that you please be patient and understand that not all items may be in stock; allow for flexibility on the brand or item you are requesting, and make generic requests for items such as “bread, milk, and eggs.” This will help make the process easier and will allow for more orders to be filled. After your order is placed a volunteer will then deliver your groceries.
Drayton Valley IGA 780-542-4644, extension 0
If you are unable to get through, please leave a message and they will get back you.
Jocelyn’s Your Independent Grocer 780-542-3518
Stay on the line and ask for customer service
Please no phone in orders after 5 pm
For more information call FCSS at 780-514-2206
If you are a current recipient of AISH or Income Support in the Drayton Valley area and have questions about your file, please call your worker or local office at 780-542-3134.
For all other enquiries, please call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1-877-644-9992. You can also visit them online at
For emergency 24/7 financial assistance, please call 1-866-644-5135.
Note: The Alberta Supports Contact Centre is experiencing higher than normal wait times. We are working to address this and appreciate your patience.
There are a number of resources available from Service Canada for youth, seniors, and businesses.
To view the full Community Outreach and Liaison Services brochure from Service Canada, click here.
For business resources from Service Canada, including links for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), Work Sharing Program and more, click here.
For resources for seniors, including links for Public Pensions, Registered Retirement Income Funds and more, click here.
For resources for youth, including links for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP) and more, click here.
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) provides a taxable amount of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months for those facing unemployment due to COVID-19.
Phone Application:
1-833-966-2099 (automated)
1-800-959-8281 (agent)
Employment Insurance (EI)
Many employees are unemployed due to shortage of work and/or decreased operations surrounding the COVID-19. If this is the case for your, and you qualify for Employment Insurance benefits (EI), you can apply for EI.
EI COVID-19 Dedicated line:
EI Sickness Benefits
If you are sick, quarantined or have been directed to self-isolate, you can apply for EI sickness benefits. The Government has waived the one-week waiting period, and you don’t have to provide a medical certificate to access the benefits.
EI COVID-19 Dedicated line: