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Child Care FAQ

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When should I register my child for care?

Childcare is needed for a variety of reasons and for each family this changes. Our recommendations is that you register your child(ren) as soon as you are sure you require care. For example: you have just received confirmation of registration for school. As some age groupings can be full calling early gives you opportunity to either find a space or learn about placement for our waitlist.


How long is the waitlist?

Due to the fact that all programs are operating at capacity it is virtually impossible to predict when spaces will become available. When spaces do become available, the program manager will contact families via telephone if the space meets their outlined requirements. Please ensure your contact information remains up to date. Parents will be notified and have 72 hours to let the program manager know if you will utilize this space. If you decide you no longer want to be on the list please contact the ECDC immediately.

What if I don’t need the space when the Program Manager Calls?

Let the Program Manager know you do not need care at this time, but still will require care at a later time. Your name then will be moved to the bottom of the list rather than be removed entirely.

How do I apply for subsidy?

For more information regarding child care subsidy please go here.

Child Care Subsidy Estimator Tool
Find out the approximate amount of your subsidy using our online estimator. The estimator calculates potential subsidy for families who require full-time child care (100+ hours). Information you provide in the estimator is not shared or saved.