Sports and Recreational Organizations

Sports Organizations

Area Code for Drayton Valley is 780.

Agricultural Society President: Harvey Miller
Market Contact: Colleen Schoeninger
President: 780-898-5351
Market Contact: 780-514-6897
Alberta Boxing Training Centre   780-542-4028
ATV Club Providing a trail system developed for ATV use in the Drayton Valley/Brazeau district. Hosts charity events. Meet third Thursday each month. 780-542-2594
Badminton Club Badminton 780-542-0944
Big West Colour Classic Horse   780-727-2131
Big West High School Rodeo   780-727-2131
Big West Quarter Horse Show   780-727-2131
Boxing Club The Derrick Boxing Club operates out of the Omniplex. 6:30 – 9:30 pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 780-542-5441
Brazeau Bow Benders Archery Club Archery club located north of Hwy 22 on Rg Rd 71. Approx 100 members. Annual events include a 3-D shoot in July, Spring 3-D shoot in March. 780-542-2922
Brazeau Gymnastics Club Brazeau Gymnastics Club
Box 7512
Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S7location address is:
#2- 6426 50th Avenue



Brazeau Snowmobile Club Develops and maintains a trail system for snowmobiles in the local area. Hosts charity events, snow and grass drags, Poker rallies, and a Family Day ride. Meets second Wednesday each month 780-542-4273
Canadian Ski Patrol System   780-542-7449
Curling Club Bonspiels, leagues, and regular curling 780-542-4795

Drayton Valley Skating Club

Provides learn to skate programs from ages 3 and up, and individual instruction for advanced skaters.
PO Box 6813 Drayton Valley , AB 


Evergreen Shooting Club Located near the North Saskatchewan River about 8km SE of Drayton Valley. Features 2 covered lines. One over the 100yd. handgun/small bore range, the other over the 200yd. big bore range. Trap shooting every Wednesday during the summer at a member’s farm near Easyford, NW of Drayton Valley. Silhouette shoot every Thursday. 780-202-0947
Fun Hockey Hockey for adults 780-542-5114
Golden Phoenix Tae Kwon Do Family oriented Tae Kwon Do martial arts programs. 780-542-4973
Golf & Country Club  Located Just outside of Town Limits it is a great way to have a great round with a great restaurant. Website: DV Golf Course



Drayton Valley Paddling Club  The Drayton Valley Paddling Club is a great way to spend some time on our natural resource close to Drayton Valley.  Website: DV Paddling Club
Drayton Valley Horse Club   780-542-4339
Indoor Rodeo   780-542-4251
Indoor Soccer Assoc   780-542-3889
DV Judo Club  A non-profit organization with Judo programs for all ages 780-234-9060
Ladies Basketball Basketball for women 780-542-1408
Ladies Hockey Hockey for women 780-621-3334
Ladies Soccer Soccer for women 780-542-3383
Men’s Basketball Basketball for adults 780-542-4411
Men’s Soccer Club Competitive for adults 780-542-7940
Drayton Valley Minor Baseball  Minor Baseball Facebook Group
Drayton Valley Minor Hockey Association  Minor Hockey Association
Minor Soccer Assoc   780-542-2237
Neptune Summer Swim Club A pre-competitive and competitive swim club that runs May-August.  Ages 4 and up.
Outdoor Soccer    
Pembina Nordic Ski Club Situated along a plateau overlooking the North Saskatchewan River. Rustic log chalet & firepit. 780-542-2837
Pembina Renshikan Karate Club   780-542-7291
Pony Club   780-542-7295
Ringette Association    
Riggers Rugby  The rugby season runs from April to July for Junior teams and the Riggers play in the Edmonton Rugby Union. Matches are held in Edmonton on Saturdays. Youth aged 7 to 13 are encouraged to join our club teams. Men and Women play in festivals throughout the spring and summer and play 7s and 15s.
Riverside Horse Trails Groomed riding trails operated by the Drayton Valley Horse Club. Through the banks of the Pembina River. Staging area and campsite. Meetings held first Tuesday of each month. Annual Trail Ride for Cancer in May. 780-542-4339
Shine Gymnastics address #4, 5105-50 St Drayton Valley, T7A1V3 artistic classes for ages walking to adult. Also, cheer, rhythmic and demo classes, summer camps
Contact Amber Blanchette
 Drayton Valley Ski Hill Ski Hill offers downhill skiing and snowboarding. T-Bar and tow ropes. 780-542-2837
Slo-Pitch Slow Pitch 780-621-1615
Snowmobile/ATV Club   780-542-1565
Soccer Association Outdoor & Indoor programs 780-542-3889
Straight Blast Gym
Drayton Valley
Drayton Valley for Jui Jitsu
Address 780 5105 51st
Drayton Valley, AB
T7A 0C3
Drayton Valley Lightning Swim Club  A recreational swim club that runs September-March.  Ages 3 and up.
Thunder Junior A Playing in the Alberta Junior Hockey League 780-514-7845
Valley Fit ‘n Lean Put on bouncy boots for Kangoo fitness.  Experience restoration and healing of mind, body & spirit in Yoga.  Party yourself into shape & torch calories in Zumba, and be amazed when we turn our studio into a nightclub for our monthly black light Zumba event.  Feel the burn of strength training and toning in TRX suspension training and Buti Yoga.  Be a rockstar in Pound fitness. …..and there’s more.  Join our community for socials, make and takes, paint nights, and our Christmas gala event!  We clean attractive tanning facilities too! 780-621-2486
Valley Model Aeronautics Club 2 MAC registered fields (flying fields). Provides sport RC flying to anyone interested. Meets the first Wednesday of every month. 780-542-1565

Ice User Groups

Organization Name Position Number Website
Drayton Valley Skating Club Jenise Savage President 506-426-0363
Dwain Smith Team Dwain Smith   780-514-6454  
Fun Hockey Jana Chase   780-898-0538  
Ladies Hockey Becky May   780-514-6122  
Lamplighters Terry Primeau   780-514-4640  
Lincoln County Oilfield Service Tim Smith Manager 780-514-4195  
Mens’ Rec Dean Liske   780-202-1346  
Minor Hockey Cheryl Bouchard   780-514-4734
Ringette Desiree Janzen   780-621-6269
Thunder JR A Hockey Thunder Office   780-542-7845
United Truck and Machine Alan Schollmaier Organizer 780-898-3042  
X-Men Terry Primeau Organizer 780-542-5896  


Drayton Valley